My husband Dana and I cruised throughout the Bahamas and Florida on 9 different boats over the past 35 years. We cruised the Caribbean, home schooled our two beautiful daughters and we loved living the free life! But there was change on the horizon...

     Our guides moved us to shore about 6 years ago to enjoy life on land. I have always known I had a special and unique gift, I just didn't know how to express it. When I was 4 I remember asking my Mother "If a Lizard can grow his arm back, why can't we?" I just knew there was more out there for us to learn and explore.

     As I grew older, the spirit side always spoke to me saying "everything is going in divine order." The first time I read Dolores Cannon's book, Between Death and Life, I knew I had found my passion! I have been searching for her guidance and didn't even know it!

     I have found a way that aligns with me where I can learn to help people from my heart. I feel like I have found my true calling. This is a life long dream of mine! It is my passion to help people understand how they can facilitate their own healing and move forward.

     If you are curious about your past lives or just have questions you would like answered by your Higher Self this is what you are looking for. I would be honored to take you on this journey and help find your true self. It is EASY, FUN, and INTERESTING! Much love and light.